
Discover, Listen, Engage

Explore a collection of interviews and articles that feature discussions about our work and innovations. This page offers insights into our contributions through the perspectives of various media and industry experts. Dive into conversations that highlight our journey, achievements, and the impact of our products in the field of microfluidic droplets. Engage with stories and viewpoints that reflect our commitment to excellence and innovation.

Press release 17/11/2022

Emulseo raises €1.5 million to accelerate its development

ECHOS Judiciaires

Microfluidics, an invisible world of infinite possibilities

La Tribune

Emulseo accélère le développement de ses produits microfluidiques pour le médical.

La French Tech

Microfluidique : Emulseo lève 1,5 M€ pour accélérer


Santé : la start-up bordelaise Emulseo lève 1,5 million d’euros et recrute

L'Usine Nouvelle

Microfluidique : Emulseo lève 1,5 million d’euros